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Have you heard of the Mozart effect? Popular science has long made claims that listening to Mozart in early childhood has a beneficial effect on our mental development. Is it true? Who knows… perhaps? But we have a somewhat Off Centre follow-up to that question: what about growing old with Mozart’s music? We’re no scientists, of course, but let us hypothesize and experience the smart-aging effects of Mozart’s music in action, in a program that will feature Mozart’s “The Hunt” String Quartet, K. 458, his D major Sonata for four hands, K. 123a, his spell-binding concert arias and operatic duets, and his Piano Quartet, K. 478.
Event Artists
Jonathan Crow: violin, Sheila Jaffé: violin, Elina Kelebeev: piano, Andrea Ludwig: mezzo soprano, Rémi Pelletier: viola, Inna Perkis: piano, Giles Tomkins: bass-baritone, Boris Zarankin: piano, Winona Zelenka: celloOff Centre Music Salon presents: Mozart’s Formula-Smart aging?
Sunday, December 1, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Jeanne Lamon Hall
427 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5S 1X7
Classification of ensemble/soloist
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