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Brott Music Festival-Beethoven-Immersive+ Afterparty- This isn’t your average night at the symphony. As you enter the majestic ambiance of this historic building, please take your seats alongside our musicians. We journey into the heart of Beethoven’s masterpiece, and YOU have the best seat in the house. Afterwards, unwind with our musicians in the heart of Hamilton’s pub district. For more information and to register, Visit our Website and follow and like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Contact our Box Office Mon-Fri 9am-5pm at 905.525.7664
Artistes de l'évènement
National Academy Orchestra , Tania Miller conductorBrott Music Festival: Immersive Performance and After Party
jeudi, 20 juin 2024
19:30 - 21:00
Church of Ascension
64 Forest Ave
Hamilton , ON
Canada, L8N 1X1
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Classification de l'ensemble/soliste
#_EVENTCLASSIFICATIONSThis page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
English (Anglais)