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Join us for a pre-show talk hosted by Caroline Ohrt, Executive Producer of NAC Dance, featuring choreographer Andre Peña, photographer Edward Burtynsky, and NAC Orchestra’s music director Alexander Shelley. The artists will discuss how the arts of dance, photography and music came together to address environmental issues, providing insights into this unique multidisciplinary collaborative process. These pre-performance talks precede the world premiere performances of UAQUE in Southam Hall.
Artistes de l'évènement
Host Caroline Ohrt, Ex. Prod. of NAC Dance, chor. Andre Peña, photographer Edward Burtynsky, dir. Alexander Shelley.NAC: UAQUE I Pre-Performance Talk, SPERE Festival
mercredi, 11 septembre 2024
18:45 - 19:30
Peter A. Herrndorf Place
1 Elgin St
Ottawa, ON
Canada, K1P 5W1
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#_EVENTCLASSIFICATIONSThis page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
English (Anglais)